* 스트림(stream) → 한 방향으로 흐르는 데이터 흐름
프로그램상에서 모니터와 키보드를 대상으로 데이터를 입출력 하기 위해서는 이들을 연결시켜주는 다리가 필요함
이러한 다리 역할을 하는 매개체를 가리켜 스트림(stream)이라고 함
ㄴ 콘솔 입출력을 위한 입력 스트림과 출력 스트림은
프로그램이 실행되면 자동으로 생성되고,
프로그램이 종료되면 자동으로 소멸되는 스트림이다
* 입출력 함수
문자 출력 함수 : putchar, fputc
문자 입력 함수 : getchar, fgetc
문자열 출력 함수 : puts, fputs
문자열 입력 함수 : gets, fgets
* 입출력 이외의 문자열 관련 함수
문자열의 길이를 반환하는 함수 : strlen
문자열을 복사하는 함수 : strcpy, strncpy
문자열을 덧붙이는 함수 : strcat, strncat
문자열을 비교하는 함수 : strcmp, strncmp
* 그외의 변환 함수들
문자열 → int : atoi
문자열 → long : atol
문자열 → double : atof
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
00DE17A0 push ebp
00DE17A1 mov ebp,esp
00DE17A3 sub esp,0D8h
00DE17A9 push ebx
00DE17AA push esi
00DE17AB push edi
00DE17AC lea edi,[ebp-18h]
00DE17AF mov ecx,6
00DE17B4 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00DE17B9 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
00DE17BB mov ecx,offset _74AEDF8A_ReadWirteChar@c (0DEC008h)
00DE17C0 call @__CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode@4 (0DE132Fh)
00DE17C5 nop
int ch1, ch2;
ch1 = getchar(); // 문자 입력
00DE17C6 mov esi,esp
00DE17C8 call dword ptr [__imp__getchar (0DEB174h)]
00DE17CE cmp esi,esp
00DE17D0 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0DE124Eh)
00DE17D5 mov dword ptr [ch1],eax
ch2 = fgetc(stdin); // 엔터키 입력
00DE17D8 mov esi,esp
00DE17DA push 0
00DE17DC call dword ptr [__imp____acrt_iob_func (0DEB180h)]
00DE17E2 add esp,4
00DE17E5 cmp esi,esp
00DE17E7 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0DE124Eh)
00DE17EC mov esi,esp
00DE17EE push eax
00DE17EF call dword ptr [__imp__fgetc (0DEB17Ch)]
00DE17F5 add esp,4
00DE17F8 cmp esi,esp
00DE17FA call __RTC_CheckEsp (0DE124Eh)
00DE17FF mov dword ptr [ch2],eax
putchar(ch1); // 문자 출력
00DE1802 mov esi,esp
00DE1804 mov eax,dword ptr [ch1]
00DE1807 push eax
00DE1808 call dword ptr [__imp__putchar (0DEB170h)]
00DE180E add esp,4
00DE1811 cmp esi,esp
00DE1813 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0DE124Eh)
00DE1818 nop
fputc(ch2, stdout); // 엔터키 출력
00DE1819 mov esi,esp
00DE181B push 1
00DE181D call dword ptr [__imp____acrt_iob_func (0DEB180h)]
00DE1823 add esp,4
00DE1826 cmp esi,esp
00DE1828 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0DE124Eh)
00DE182D mov esi,esp
00DE182F push eax
00DE1830 mov eax,dword ptr [ch2]
00DE1833 push eax
00DE1834 call dword ptr [__imp__fputc (0DEB178h)]
00DE183A add esp,8
00DE183D cmp esi,esp
00DE183F call __RTC_CheckEsp (0DE124Eh)
00DE1844 nop
return 0;
00DE1845 xor eax,eax
00DE1847 pop edi
00DE1848 pop esi
00DE1849 pop ebx
00DE184A add esp,0D8h
00DE1850 cmp ebp,esp
00DE1852 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0DE124Eh)
00DE1857 mov esp,ebp
00DE1859 pop ebp
00DE185A ret
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
00D91880 push ebp
00D91881 mov ebp,esp
00D91883 sub esp,0CCh
00D91889 push ebx
00D9188A push esi
00D9188B push edi
00D9188C lea edi,[ebp-0Ch]
00D9188F mov ecx,3
00D91894 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00D91899 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
00D9189B mov ecx,offset _FFEA8C6C_WirteString@c (0D9C008h)
00D918A0 call @__CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode@4 (0D9132Fh)
00D918A5 nop
char* str = "Simple String";
00D918A6 mov dword ptr [str],offset string "Simple String" (0D97B30h)
printf("1. puts test ------ \n");
00D918AD push offset string "1. puts test ------ \n" (0D97B40h)
00D918B2 call _printf (0D910D7h)
00D918B7 add esp,4
00D918BA mov esi,esp
00D918BC mov eax,dword ptr [str]
00D918BF push eax
00D918C0 call dword ptr [__imp__puts (0D9B174h)]
00D918C6 add esp,4
00D918C9 cmp esi,esp
00D918CB call __RTC_CheckEsp (0D91253h)
00D918D0 nop
puts("So Simple String");
00D918D1 mov esi,esp
00D918D3 push offset string "So Simple String" (0D97B5Ch)
00D918D8 call dword ptr [__imp__puts (0D9B174h)]
00D918DE add esp,4
00D918E1 cmp esi,esp
00D918E3 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0D91253h)
00D918E8 nop
printf("2. puts test ------ \n");
00D918E9 push offset string "2. puts test ------ \n" (0D97B70h)
00D918EE call _printf (0D910D7h)
00D918F3 add esp,4
fputs(str, stdout); printf("\n");
00D918F6 mov esi,esp
00D918F8 push 1
00D918FA call dword ptr [__imp____acrt_iob_func (0D9B17Ch)]
00D91900 add esp,4
00D91903 cmp esi,esp
00D91905 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0D91253h)
00D9190A mov esi,esp
00D9190C push eax
00D9190D mov eax,dword ptr [str]
00D91910 push eax
00D91911 call dword ptr [__imp__fputs (0D9B178h)]
00D91917 add esp,8
00D9191A cmp esi,esp
00D9191C call __RTC_CheckEsp (0D91253h)
00D91921 nop
00D91922 push offset string "\n" (0D97B8Ch)
00D91927 call _printf (0D910D7h)
00D9192C add esp,4
fputs("So Simple String", stdout); printf("\n");
00D9192F mov esi,esp
00D91931 push 1
00D91933 call dword ptr [__imp____acrt_iob_func (0D9B17Ch)]
00D91939 add esp,4
00D9193C cmp esi,esp
00D9193E call __RTC_CheckEsp (0D91253h)
00D91943 mov esi,esp
00D91945 push eax
00D91946 push offset string "So Simple String" (0D97B5Ch)
00D9194B call dword ptr [__imp__fputs (0D9B178h)]
00D91951 add esp,8
00D91954 cmp esi,esp
00D91956 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0D91253h)
00D9195B nop
00D9195C push offset string "\n" (0D97B8Ch)
00D91961 call _printf (0D910D7h)
00D91966 add esp,4
printf("3. end of main ------ \n");
00D91969 push offset string "3. end of main ------ \n" (0D97B90h)
00D9196E call _printf (0D910D7h)
00D91973 add esp,4
return 0;
00D91976 xor eax,eax
00D91978 pop edi
00D91979 pop esi
00D9197A pop ebx
00D9197B add esp,0CCh
00D91981 cmp ebp,esp
00D91983 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0D91253h)
00D91988 mov esp,ebp
00D9198A pop ebp
00D9198B ret
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
00C51870 push ebp
00C51871 mov ebp,esp
00C51873 sub esp,0E0h
00C51879 push ebx
00C5187A push esi
00C5187B push edi
00C5187C lea edi,[ebp-20h]
00C5187F mov ecx,8
00C51884 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00C51889 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
00C5188B mov eax,dword ptr [__security_cookie (0C5A000h)]
00C51890 xor eax,ebp
00C51892 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax
00C51895 mov ecx,offset _240753C6_ReadString@c (0C5C008h)
00C5189A call @__CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode@4 (0C5132Fh)
00C5189F nop
char str[7];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
00C518A0 mov dword ptr [i],0
00C518A7 jmp __$EncStackInitStart+36h (0C518B2h)
00C518A9 mov eax,dword ptr [i]
00C518AC add eax,1
00C518AF mov dword ptr [i],eax
00C518B2 cmp dword ptr [i],3
00C518B6 jge __$EncStackInitStart+62h (0C518DEh)
//fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin);
00C518B8 lea eax,[str]
00C518BB push eax
00C518BC call _gets (0C513CAh)
00C518C1 add esp,4
printf("Read %d: %s \n", i + 1, str);
00C518C4 lea eax,[str]
00C518C7 push eax
00C518C8 mov ecx,dword ptr [i]
00C518CB add ecx,1
00C518CE push ecx
00C518CF push offset string "Read %d: %s \n" (0C57B30h)
00C518D4 call _printf (0C510D2h)
00C518D9 add esp,0Ch
00C518DC jmp __$EncStackInitStart+2Dh (0C518A9h)
return 0;
00C518DE xor eax,eax
00C518E0 push edx
00C518E1 mov ecx,ebp
00C518E3 push eax
00C518E4 lea edx,ds:[0C51910h]
00C518EA call @_RTC_CheckStackVars@8 (0C511EFh)
00C518EF pop eax
00C518F0 pop edx
00C518F1 pop edi
00C518F2 pop esi
00C518F3 pop ebx
00C518F4 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00C518F7 xor ecx,ebp
00C518F9 call @__security_check_cookie@4 (0C51154h)
00C518FE add esp,0E0h
00C51904 cmp ebp,esp
00C51906 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0C51253h)
00C5190B mov esp,ebp
00C5190D pop ebp
00C5190E ret
int main(void)
00AE1900 push ebp
00AE1901 mov ebp,esp
00AE1903 sub esp,130h
00AE1909 push ebx
00AE190A push esi
00AE190B push edi
00AE190C lea edi,[ebp-70h]
00AE190F mov ecx,1Ch
00AE1914 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00AE1919 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
00AE191B mov eax,dword ptr [__security_cookie (0AEA000h)]
00AE1920 xor eax,ebp
00AE1922 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax
00AE1925 mov ecx,offset _728D6715_RemoveBSN@c (0AEC00Eh)
00AE192A call @__CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode@4 (0AE1334h)
00AE192F nop
char str[100];
printf("문자열 입력 : ");
00AE1930 push offset string "\xb9\xae\xc0\xda\xbf\xad \xc0\xd4\xb7\xc2 : " (0AE7B30h)
00AE1935 call _printf (0AE10D2h)
00AE193A add esp,4
fgets(str, sizeof(str), stdin);
00AE193D mov esi,esp
00AE193F push 0
00AE1941 call dword ptr [__imp____acrt_iob_func (0AEB17Ch)]
00AE1947 add esp,4
00AE194A cmp esi,esp
00AE194C call __RTC_CheckEsp (0AE1258h)
00AE1951 mov esi,esp
00AE1953 push eax
00AE1954 push 64h
00AE1956 lea eax,[str]
00AE1959 push eax
00AE195A call dword ptr [__imp__fgets (0AEB178h)]
00AE1960 add esp,0Ch
00AE1963 cmp esi,esp
00AE1965 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0AE1258h)
00AE196A nop
printf("길이 : %d, 내용 : %s\n", strlen(str), str);
00AE196B lea eax,[str]
00AE196E push eax
00AE196F lea ecx,[str]
00AE1972 push ecx
00AE1973 call _strlen (0AE1384h)
00AE1978 add esp,4
00AE197B push eax
00AE197C push offset string "\xb1\xe6\xc0\xcc : %d, \xb3\xbb\xbf\xeb : %s\n" (0AE7B44h)
00AE1981 call _printf (0AE10D2h)
00AE1986 add esp,0Ch
00AE1989 push offset string "=================\n" (0AE7BFCh)
00AE198E call _printf (0AE10D2h)
00AE1993 add esp,4
00AE1996 lea eax,[str]
00AE1999 push eax
00AE199A call _RemoveBSN (0AE112Ch)
00AE199F add esp,4
printf("길이 : %d, 내용 : %s\n", strlen(str), str);
00AE19A2 lea eax,[str]
00AE19A5 push eax
00AE19A6 lea ecx,[str]
00AE19A9 push ecx
00AE19AA call _strlen (0AE1384h)
00AE19AF add esp,4
00AE19B2 push eax
00AE19B3 push offset string "\xb1\xe6\xc0\xcc : %d, \xb3\xbb\xbf\xeb : %s\n" (0AE7B44h)
00AE19B8 call _printf (0AE10D2h)
00AE19BD add esp,0Ch
00AE19C0 push offset string "=================\n" (0AE7BFCh)
00AE19C5 call _printf (0AE10D2h)
00AE19CA add esp,4
return 0;
00AE19CD xor eax,eax
00AE19CF push edx
00AE19D0 mov ecx,ebp
00AE19D2 push eax
00AE19D3 lea edx,ds:[0AE1A00h]
00AE19D9 call @_RTC_CheckStackVars@8 (0AE11F4h)
00AE19DE pop eax
00AE19DF pop edx
00AE19E0 pop edi
00AE19E1 pop esi
00AE19E2 pop ebx
00AE19E3 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00AE19E6 xor ecx,ebp
00AE19E8 call @__security_check_cookie@4 (0AE1159h)
00AE19ED add esp,130h
00AE19F3 cmp ebp,esp
00AE19F5 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0AE1258h)
00AE19FA mov esp,ebp
00AE19FC pop ebp
00AE19FD ret
errno_t strcpy_s(
char *dest,
rsize_t dest_size,
const char *src
errno_t strncpy_s(
char *strDest,
size_t numberOfElements,
const char *strSource,
size_t count
errno_t strcat_s(
char *strDestination,
size_t numberOfElements,
const char *strSource
errno_t strncat_s(
char *strDest,
size_t numberOfElements,
const char *strSource,
size_t count
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