#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
006C1870 push ebp
006C1871 mov ebp,esp
006C1873 sub esp,0E8h
006C1879 push ebx
006C187A push esi
006C187B push edi
006C187C lea edi,[ebp-28h]
006C187F mov ecx,0Ah
006C1884 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
006C1889 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
006C188B mov ecx,offset _4B8E694C_SizeOfOperator@c (06CC008h)
006C1890 call @__CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode@4 (06C132Ah)
006C1895 nop
char ch = 9;
006C1896 mov byte ptr [ch],9
int inum = 1052;
006C189A mov dword ptr [inum],41Ch
double dnum = 3.14;
006C18A1 movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [__real@40091eb851eb851f (06C7C18h)]
006C18A9 movsd mmword ptr [dnum],xmm0
printf("변수 ch의 크기 : %d\n", sizeof(ch));
006C18AE push 1
006C18B0 push offset string "\xba\xaf\xbc\xf6 ch\xc0\xc7 \xc5\xa9\xb1\xe2 : %d\n" (06C7B30h)
006C18B5 call _printf (06C10D2h)
006C18BA add esp,8
printf("변수 inum의 크기 : %d\n", sizeof(inum));
006C18BD push 4
006C18BF push offset string "\xba\xaf\xbc\xf6 inum\xc0\xc7 \xc5\xa9\xb1\xe2 : %d\n" (06C7B4Ch)
006C18C4 call _printf (06C10D2h)
006C18C9 add esp,8
printf("변수 dnum의 크기 : %d\n\n", sizeof(dnum));
006C18CC push 8
006C18CE push offset string "\xba\xaf\xbc\xf6 dnum\xc0\xc7 \xc5\xa9\xb1\xe2 : %d\n\n" (06C7B68h)
006C18D3 call _printf (06C10D2h)
006C18D8 add esp,8
printf("char의 크기 : %d\n", sizeof(char));
006C18DB push 1
006C18DD push offset string "char\xc0\xc7 \xc5\xa9\xb1\xe2 : %d\n" (06C7B84h)
006C18E2 call _printf (06C10D2h)
006C18E7 add esp,8
printf("int의 크기 : %d\n", sizeof(int));
006C18EA push 4
006C18EC push offset string "int\xc0\xc7 \xc5\xa9\xb1\xe2 : %d\n" (06C7B9Ch)
006C18F1 call _printf (06C10D2h)
006C18F6 add esp,8
printf("long의 크기 : %d\n", sizeof(long));
006C18F9 push 4
006C18FB push offset string "long\xc0\xc7 \xc5\xa9\xb1\xe2 : %d\n" (06C7BB0h)
006C1900 call _printf (06C10D2h)
006C1905 add esp,8
printf("long long의 크기 : %d\n\n", sizeof(long long));
006C1908 push 8
006C190A push offset string "long long\xc0\xc7 \xc5\xa9\xb1\xe2 : %d\n\n" (06C7BC8h)
006C190F call _printf (06C10D2h)
006C1914 add esp,8
printf("float의 크기 : %d\n", sizeof(float));
006C1917 push 4
006C1919 push offset string "float\xc0\xc7 \xc5\xa9\xb1\xe2 : %d\n" (06C7BE4h)
006C191E call _printf (06C10D2h)
006C1923 add esp,8
printf("double의 크기 : %d\n", sizeof(double));
006C1926 push 8
006C1928 push offset string "double\xc0\xc7 \xc5\xa9\xb1\xe2 : %d\n" (06C7BFCh)
006C192D call _printf (06C10D2h)
006C1932 add esp,8
return 0;
006C1935 xor eax,eax
006C1937 pop edi
006C1938 pop esi
006C1939 pop ebx
006C193A add esp,0E8h
006C1940 cmp ebp,esp
006C1942 call __RTC_CheckEsp (06C124Eh)
006C1947 mov esp,ebp
006C1949 pop ebp
006C194A ret
* xmm0 레지스터
128비트 크기의 레지스터
SIMD(Single Instruction, Multiple Data) 연산에 사용 : 한 번에 여러 데이터를 병렬 처리
- 64비트 모드 : xmm0부터 xmm15까지,
- 32비트 모드 : xmm0 ~ xmm7까지 사용 가능
주 용도
- 부동소수점 연산
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
00F244F0 push ebp
00F244F1 mov ebp,esp
00F244F3 sub esp,108h
00F244F9 push ebx
00F244FA push esi
00F244FB push edi
00F244FC lea edi,[ebp-48h]
00F244FF mov ecx,12h
00F24504 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00F24509 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
00F2450B mov ecx,offset _1E7E2136_CharShortBaseAdd@c (0F2C008h)
00F24510 call @__CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode@4 (0F2131Bh)
00F24515 nop
char num1 = 1, num2 = 2, result1 = 0;
00F24516 mov byte ptr [num1],1
00F2451A mov byte ptr [num2],2
00F2451E mov byte ptr [result1],0
short num3 = 300, num4 = 400, result2 = 0;
00F24522 mov eax,12Ch
00F24527 mov word ptr [num3],ax
00F2452B mov eax,190h
00F24530 mov word ptr [num4],ax
00F24534 xor eax,eax
00F24536 mov word ptr [result2],ax
printf("size of num1 & num2: %d, %d\n", sizeof(num1), sizeof(num2));
00F2453A push 1
00F2453C push 1
00F2453E push offset string "size of num1 & num2: %d, %d\n" (0F27BCCh)
00F24543 call _printf (0F213B1h)
00F24548 add esp,0Ch
printf("size of num3 & num4: %d, %d\n\n", sizeof(num3), sizeof(num4));
00F2454B push 2
00F2454D push 2
00F2454F push offset string "size of num3 & num4: %d, %d\n\n" (0F27CD0h)
00F24554 call _printf (0F213B1h)
00F24559 add esp,0Ch
printf("size of char add: %d\n", sizeof(num1 + num2));
00F2455C push 4
00F2455E push offset string "size of char add: %d\n" (0F27E20h)
00F24563 call _printf (0F213B1h)
00F24568 add esp,8
printf("size of char add: %d\n\n", sizeof(num3 + num4));
00F2456B push 4
00F2456D push offset string "size of char add: %d\n\n" (0F285A8h)
00F24572 call _printf (0F213B1h)
00F24577 add esp,8
result1 = num1 + num2;
00F2457A movsx eax,byte ptr [num1]
00F2457E movsx ecx,byte ptr [num2]
00F24582 add eax,ecx
00F24584 mov byte ptr [result1],al
result2 = num3 + num4;
00F24587 movsx eax,word ptr [num3]
00F2458B movsx ecx,word ptr [num4]
00F2458F add eax,ecx
00F24591 mov word ptr [result2],ax
printf("size of result1 & result2: %d %d\n", sizeof(result1), sizeof(result2));
00F24595 push 2
00F24597 push 1
00F24599 push offset string "size of result1 & result2: %d %@"... (0F28608h)
00F2459E call _printf (0F213B1h)
00F245A3 add esp,0Ch
return 0;
00F245A6 xor eax,eax
00F245A8 pop edi
00F245A9 pop esi
00F245AA pop ebx
00F245AB add esp,108h
00F245B1 cmp ebp,esp
00F245B3 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0F2123Fh)
00F245B8 mov esp,ebp
00F245BA pop ebp
00F245BB ret
* 일반적으로 CPU가 처리하기에 가장 적합한 크기의 정수 자료형은 int로 정의한다
따라서 int형 연산 속도가 다른 자료형의 연산 속도에 비해서 동일하거나 더 빠르다
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
00291960 push ebp
00291961 mov ebp,esp
00291963 sub esp,0E4h
00291969 push ebx
0029196A push esi
0029196B push edi
0029196C lea edi,[ebp-24h]
0029196F mov ecx,9
00291974 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00291979 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
0029197B mov eax,dword ptr [__security_cookie (029A000h)]
00291980 xor eax,ebp
00291982 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax
00291985 mov ecx,offset _BB2611C7_CircleArea@c (029C008h)
0029198A call @__CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode@4 (0291339h)
0029198F nop
double rad;
double area;
printf("원의 반지름 입력: ");
00291990 push offset string "\xbf\xf8\xc0\xc7 \xb9\xdd\xc1\xf6\xb8\xa7 \xc0\xd4\xb7\xc2: " (0297B30h)
00291995 call _printf (02910DCh)
0029199A add esp,4
scanf_s("%lf", &rad);
0029199D lea eax,[rad]
002919A0 push eax
002919A1 push offset string "%lf" (0297B48h)
002919A6 call _scanf_s (0291294h)
002919AB add esp,8
area = rad * 3.14195;
002919AE movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [rad]
002919B3 mulsd xmm0,mmword ptr [__real@400922b6ae7d566d (0297B60h)]
002919BB movsd mmword ptr [area],xmm0
printf("원의 넓이: %f\n", area);
002919C0 sub esp,8
002919C3 movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [area]
002919C8 movsd mmword ptr [esp],xmm0
002919CD push offset string "\xbf\xf8\xc0\xc7 \xb3\xd0\xc0\xcc: %f\n" (0297B4Ch)
002919D2 call _printf (02910DCh)
002919D7 add esp,0Ch
return 0;
002919DA xor eax,eax
002919DC push edx
002919DD mov ecx,ebp
002919DF push eax
002919E0 lea edx,ds:[291A0Ch]
002919E6 call @_RTC_CheckStackVars@8 (02911F4h)
002919EB pop eax
002919EC pop edx
002919ED pop edi
002919EE pop esi
002919EF pop ebx
002919F0 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
002919F3 xor ecx,ebp
002919F5 call @__security_check_cookie@4 (0291159h)
002919FA add esp,0E4h
00291A00 cmp ebp,esp
00291A02 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0291258h)
00291A07 mov esp,ebp
00291A09 pop ebp
00291A0A ret
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
00881960 push ebp
00881961 mov ebp,esp
00881963 sub esp,0DCh
00881969 push ebx
0088196A push esi
0088196B push edi
0088196C lea edi,[ebp-1Ch]
0088196F mov ecx,7
00881974 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00881979 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
0088197B mov eax,dword ptr [__security_cookie (088A000h)]
00881980 xor eax,ebp
00881982 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax
00881985 mov ecx,offset _BB2611C7_CircleArea@c (088C008h)
0088198A call @__CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode@4 (0881339h)
0088198F nop
float rad;
float area;
printf("원의 반지름 입력: ");
00881990 push offset string "\xbf\xf8\xc0\xc7 \xb9\xdd\xc1\xf6\xb8\xa7 \xc0\xd4\xb7\xc2: " (0887B30h)
00881995 call _printf (08810DCh)
0088199A add esp,4
scanf_s("%f", &rad);
0088199D lea eax,[rad]
008819A0 push eax
008819A1 push offset string "%f" (0887B48h)
008819A6 call _scanf_s (0881294h)
008819AB add esp,8
area = rad * 3.14195f;
008819AE movss xmm0,dword ptr [rad]
008819B3 mulss xmm0,dword ptr [__real@404915b5 (0887B44h)]
008819BB movss dword ptr [area],xmm0
printf("원의 넓이: %f\n", area);
008819C0 cvtss2sd xmm0,dword ptr [area]
008819C5 sub esp,8
008819C8 movsd mmword ptr [esp],xmm0
008819CD push offset string "\xbf\xf8\xc0\xc7 \xb3\xd0\xc0\xcc: %f\n" (0887B4Ch)
008819D2 call _printf (08810DCh)
008819D7 add esp,0Ch
return 0;
008819DA xor eax,eax
008819DC push edx
008819DD mov ecx,ebp
008819DF push eax
008819E0 lea edx,ds:[881A0Ch]
008819E6 call @_RTC_CheckStackVars@8 (08811F4h)
008819EB pop eax
008819EC pop edx
008819ED pop edi
008819EE pop esi
008819EF pop ebx
008819F0 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
008819F3 xor ecx,ebp
008819F5 call @__security_check_cookie@4 (0881159h)
008819FA add esp,0DCh
00881A00 cmp ebp,esp
00881A02 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0881258h)
00881A07 mov esp,ebp
00881A09 pop ebp
00881A0A ret
* 메모리 오퍼랜드 키워드
byte ptr: 8비트(1바이트) 데이터
word ptr: 16비트(2바이트) 데이터
dword ptr: 32비트(4바이트) 데이터
qword ptr: 64비트(8바이트) 데이터
mmword ptr: 64비트(8바이트) 데이터
xmmword ptr: 128비트(16바이트) 데이터
* CPU는 메모리 정렬(alignment)과 효율성을 위해 더 큰 레지스터를 사용
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
00F81870 push ebp
00F81871 mov ebp,esp
00F81873 sub esp,0F0h
00F81879 push ebx
00F8187A push esi
00F8187B push edi
00F8187C lea edi,[ebp-30h]
00F8187F mov ecx,0Ch
00F81884 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00F81889 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
00F8188B mov ecx,offset _4700986F_HowChar@c (0F8C008h)
00F81890 call @__CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode@4 (0F8132Ah)
00F81895 nop
char ch1 = 'A', ch2 = 65;
00F81896 mov byte ptr [ch1],41h
00F8189A mov byte ptr [ch2],41h
int ch3 = 'Z', ch4 = 90;
00F8189E mov dword ptr [ch3],5Ah
00F818A5 mov dword ptr [ch4],5Ah
printf("%c %d \n", ch1, ch1);
00F818AC movsx eax,byte ptr [ch1]
00F818B0 push eax
00F818B1 movsx ecx,byte ptr [ch1]
00F818B5 push ecx
00F818B6 push offset string "%c %d \n" (0F87B30h)
00F818BB call _printf (0F810D2h)
00F818C0 add esp,0Ch
printf("%c %d \n", ch2, ch2);
00F818C3 movsx eax,byte ptr [ch2]
00F818C7 push eax
00F818C8 movsx ecx,byte ptr [ch2]
00F818CC push ecx
00F818CD push offset string "%c %d \n" (0F87B30h)
00F818D2 call _printf (0F810D2h)
00F818D7 add esp,0Ch
printf("%c %d \n", ch3, ch3);
00F818DA mov eax,dword ptr [ch3]
00F818DD push eax
00F818DE mov ecx,dword ptr [ch3]
00F818E1 push ecx
00F818E2 push offset string "%c %d \n" (0F87B30h)
00F818E7 call _printf (0F810D2h)
00F818EC add esp,0Ch
printf("%c %d \n", ch4, ch4);
00F818EF mov eax,dword ptr [ch4]
00F818F2 push eax
00F818F3 mov ecx,dword ptr [ch4]
00F818F6 push ecx
00F818F7 push offset string "%c %d \n" (0F87B30h)
00F818FC call _printf (0F810D2h)
00F81901 add esp,0Ch
return 0;
00F81904 xor eax,eax
00F81906 pop edi
00F81907 pop esi
00F81908 pop ebx
00F81909 add esp,0F0h
00F8190F cmp ebp,esp
00F81911 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0F8124Eh)
00F81916 mov esp,ebp
00F81918 pop ebp
00F81919 ret
* movzx(Move with Zero-Extend)
확장 대입, 부호없는 산술 값에 대해서 사용
* movsx(Move with Sign-Extend)
확장 대입, 부호있는 산술 값에 대해서 사용
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
00E91870 push ebp
00E91871 mov ebp,esp
00E91873 sub esp,0C0h
00E91879 push ebx
00E9187A push esi
00E9187B push edi
00E9187C mov edi,ebp
00E9187E xor ecx,ecx
00E91880 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00E91885 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
00E91887 mov ecx,offset _EAF959F1_LiteralSize@c (0E9C008h)
00E9188C call @__CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode@4 (0E9132Ah)
00E91891 nop
printf("literal int size: %d", sizeof(7));
00E91892 push 4
00E91894 push offset string "literal int size: %d" (0E97B30h)
00E91899 call _printf (0E910D2h)
00E9189E add esp,8
printf("literal double size: %d", sizeof(7.14));
00E918A1 push 8
00E918A3 push offset string "literal double size: %d" (0E97B4Ch)
00E918A8 call _printf (0E910D2h)
00E918AD add esp,8
printf("literal char size: %d", sizeof('A'));
00E918B0 push 4
00E918B2 push offset string "literal char size: %d" (0E97B68h)
00E918B7 call _printf (0E910D2h)
00E918BC add esp,8
return 0;
00E918BF xor eax,eax
00E918C1 pop edi
00E918C2 pop esi
00E918C3 pop ebx
00E918C4 add esp,0C0h
00E918CA cmp ebp,esp
00E918CC call __RTC_CheckEsp (0E9124Eh)
00E918D1 mov esp,ebp
00E918D3 pop ebp
00E918D4 ret
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
00D21870 push ebp
00D21871 mov ebp,esp
00D21873 sub esp,0F4h
00D21879 push ebx
00D2187A push esi
00D2187B push edi
00D2187C lea edi,[ebp-34h]
00D2187F mov ecx,0Dh
00D21884 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00D21889 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
00D2188B mov ecx,offset _CE215058_AutoConvOne@c (0D2C008h)
00D21890 call @__CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode@4 (0D2132Ah)
00D21895 nop
double num1 = 245;
00D21896 movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [__real@406ea00000000000 (0D27B90h)]
00D2189E movsd mmword ptr [num1],xmm0
int num2 = 3.14;
00D218A3 mov dword ptr [num2],3
int num3 = 129;
00D218AA mov dword ptr [num3],81h
char ch = num3;
00D218B1 movzx eax,byte ptr [num3]
00D218B5 mov byte ptr [ch],al
printf("정수 245를 실수로: %f\n", num1);
00D218B8 sub esp,8
00D218BB movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [num1]
00D218C0 movsd mmword ptr [esp],xmm0
00D218C5 push offset string "\xc1\xa4\xbc\xf6 245\xb8\xa6 \xbd\xc7\xbc\xf6\xb7\xce: %f\n" (0D27B30h)
00D218CA call _printf (0D210D2h)
00D218CF add esp,0Ch
printf("실수 3.1415를 실수로: %d\n", num2);
00D218D2 mov eax,dword ptr [num2]
00D218D5 push eax
00D218D6 push offset string "\xbd\xc7\xbc\xf6 3.1415\xb8\xa6 \xbd\xc7\xbc\xf6\xb7\xce: %d\n" (0D27B4Ch)
00D218DB call _printf (0D210D2h)
00D218E0 add esp,8
printf("큰 정수 129를 실수로: %d\n", ch);
00D218E3 movsx eax,byte ptr [ch]
00D218E7 push eax
00D218E8 push offset string "\xc5\xab \xc1\xa4\xbc\xf6 129\xb8\xa6 \xbd\xc7\xbc\xf6\xb7\xce: %d\n" (0D27B6Ch)
00D218ED call _printf (0D210D2h)
00D218F2 add esp,8
return 0;
00D218F5 xor eax,eax
00D218F7 pop edi
00D218F8 pop esi
00D218F9 pop ebx
00D218FA add esp,0F4h
00D21900 cmp ebp,esp
00D21902 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0D2124Eh)
00D21907 mov esp,ebp
00D21909 pop ebp
00D2190A ret
* movss(Move Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Value)
단정밀도 부동소수점(32비트) 값을 복사
* movsd(Move Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point Value)
배정밀도 부동소수점(64비트) 값을 복사
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
00D41870 push ebp
00D41871 mov ebp,esp
00D41873 sub esp,0E8h
00D41879 push ebx
00D4187A push esi
00D4187B push edi
00D4187C lea edi,[ebp-28h]
00D4187F mov ecx,0Ah
00D41884 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00D41889 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
00D4188B mov ecx,offset _A5280B87_ConvDiv@c (0D4C008h)
00D41890 call @__CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode@4 (0D4132Ah)
00D41895 nop
int num1 = 3, num2 = 4;
00D41896 mov dword ptr [num1],3
00D4189D mov dword ptr [num2],4
double divResult;
divResult = num1 / num2;
00D418A4 mov eax,dword ptr [num1]
00D418A7 cdq
00D418A8 idiv eax,dword ptr [num2]
00D418AB cvtsi2sd xmm0,eax
00D418AF movsd mmword ptr [divResult],xmm0
printf("나눗셈의 결과 : %f\n", divResult);
00D418B4 sub esp,8
00D418B7 movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [divResult]
00D418BC movsd mmword ptr [esp],xmm0
00D418C1 push offset string "\xb3\xaa\xb4\xb0\xbc\xc0\xc0\xc7 \xb0\xe1\xb0\xfa : %f\n" (0D47B30h)
00D418C6 call _printf (0D410D2h)
00D418CB add esp,0Ch
return 0;
00D418CE xor eax,eax
00D418D0 pop edi
00D418D1 pop esi
00D418D2 pop ebx
00D418D3 add esp,0E8h
00D418D9 cmp ebp,esp
00D418DB call __RTC_CheckEsp (0D4124Eh)
00D418E0 mov esp,ebp
00D418E2 pop ebp
00D418E3 ret
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
000A1960 push ebp
000A1961 mov ebp,esp
000A1963 sub esp,100h
000A1969 push ebx
000A196A push esi
000A196B push edi
000A196C lea edi,[ebp-40h]
000A196F mov ecx,10h
000A1974 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
000A1979 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
000A197B mov eax,dword ptr [__security_cookie (0AA000h)]
000A1980 xor eax,ebp
000A1982 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax
000A1985 mov ecx,offset _25AF3A46_Problem5_1_1@c (0AC008h)
000A198A call @__CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode@4 (0A1339h)
000A198F nop
int xpos1, ypos1;
int xpos2, ypos2;
int area;
printf("좌 상단의 x, y 좌표: ");
000A1990 push offset string "\xc1\xc2 \xbb\xf3\xb4\xdc\xc0\xc7 x, y \xc1\xc2\xc7\xa5: " (0A7B30h)
000A1995 call _printf (0A10DCh)
000A199A add esp,4
scanf_s("%d %d", &xpos1, &ypos1);
000A199D lea eax,[ypos1]
000A19A0 push eax
000A19A1 lea ecx,[xpos1]
000A19A4 push ecx
000A19A5 push offset string "%d %d" (0A7B4Ch)
000A19AA call _scanf_s (0A1294h)
000A19AF add esp,0Ch
printf("우 상단의 x, y 좌표: ");
000A19B2 push offset string "\xbf\xec \xbb\xf3\xb4\xdc\xc0\xc7 x, y \xc1\xc2\xc7\xa5: " (0A7B54h)
000A19B7 call _printf (0A10DCh)
000A19BC add esp,4
scanf_s("%d %d", &xpos2, &ypos2);
000A19BF lea eax,[ypos2]
000A19C2 push eax
000A19C3 lea ecx,[xpos2]
000A19C6 push ecx
000A19C7 push offset string "%d %d" (0A7B4Ch)
000A19CC call _scanf_s (0A1294h)
000A19D1 add esp,0Ch
area = (xpos2 - xpos1) * (ypos2 - ypos1);
000A19D4 mov eax,dword ptr [xpos2]
000A19D7 sub eax,dword ptr [xpos1]
000A19DA mov ecx,dword ptr [ypos2]
000A19DD sub ecx,dword ptr [ypos1]
000A19E0 imul eax,ecx
000A19E3 mov dword ptr [area],eax
printf("두 점이 이루는 직사각형의 넓이는 %d입니다. \n", area);
000A19E6 mov eax,dword ptr [area]
000A19E9 push eax
000A19EA push offset string "\xb5\xce \xc1\xa1\xc0\xcc \xc0\xcc\xb7\xe7\xb4\xc2 \xc1\xf7\xbb\xe7\xb0\xa2\xc7\xfc\xc0\xc7 \xb3\xd0\xc0\xcc\xb4@"... (0A7B70h)
000A19EF call _printf (0A10DCh)
000A19F4 add esp,8
return 0;
000A19F7 xor eax,eax
000A19F9 push edx
000A19FA mov ecx,ebp
000A19FC push eax
000A19FD lea edx,ds:[0A1A28h]
000A1A03 call @_RTC_CheckStackVars@8 (0A11F4h)
000A1A08 pop eax
000A1A09 pop edx
000A1A0A pop edi
000A1A0B pop esi
000A1A0C pop ebx
000A1A0D mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
000A1A10 xor ecx,ebp
000A1A12 call @__security_check_cookie@4 (0A1159h)
000A1A17 add esp,100h
000A1A1D cmp ebp,esp
000A1A1F call __RTC_CheckEsp (0A1258h)
000A1A24 mov esp,ebp
000A1A26 pop ebp
000A1A27 ret
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
00251960 push ebp
00251961 mov ebp,esp
00251963 sub esp,0E4h
00251969 push ebx
0025196A push esi
0025196B push edi
0025196C lea edi,[ebp-24h]
0025196F mov ecx,9
00251974 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00251979 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
0025197B mov eax,dword ptr [__security_cookie (025A000h)]
00251980 xor eax,ebp
00251982 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax
00251985 mov ecx,offset _27E9841F_Problem5_1_2@c (025C008h)
0025198A call @__CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode@4 (0251339h)
0025198F nop
double num1, num2;
printf("두 개의 실수 입력: ");
00251990 push offset string "\xb5\xce \xb0\xb3\xc0\xc7 \xbd\xc7\xbc\xf6 \xc0\xd4\xb7\xc2: " (0257B30h)
00251995 call _printf (02510DCh)
0025199A add esp,4
scanf_s("%lf %lf", &num1, &num2);
0025199D lea eax,[num2]
002519A0 push eax
002519A1 lea ecx,[num1]
002519A4 push ecx
002519A5 push offset string "%lf %lf" (0257B48h)
002519AA call _scanf_s (0251294h)
002519AF add esp,0Ch
printf("두 수의 덧셈: %f\n", num1 + num2);
002519B2 movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [num1]
002519B7 addsd xmm0,mmword ptr [num2]
002519BC sub esp,8
002519BF movsd mmword ptr [esp],xmm0
002519C4 push offset string "\xb5\xce \xbc\xf6\xc0\xc7 \xb5\xa1\xbc\xc0: %f\n" (0257B54h)
002519C9 call _printf (02510DCh)
002519CE add esp,0Ch
printf("두 수의 뺄셈: %f\n", num1 - num2);
002519D1 movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [num1]
002519D6 subsd xmm0,mmword ptr [num2]
002519DB sub esp,8
002519DE movsd mmword ptr [esp],xmm0
002519E3 push offset string "\xb5\xce \xbc\xf6\xc0\xc7 \xbb\xac\xbc\xc0: %f\n" (0257B6Ch)
002519E8 call _printf (02510DCh)
002519ED add esp,0Ch
printf("두 수의 곱셈: %f\n", num1 * num2);
002519F0 movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [num1]
002519F5 mulsd xmm0,mmword ptr [num2]
002519FA sub esp,8
002519FD movsd mmword ptr [esp],xmm0
00251A02 push offset string "\xb5\xce \xbc\xf6\xc0\xc7 \xb0\xf6\xbc\xc0: %f\n" (0257B84h)
00251A07 call _printf (02510DCh)
00251A0C add esp,0Ch
printf("두 수의 나눗셈: %f\n", num1 / num2);
00251A0F movsd xmm0,mmword ptr [num1]
00251A14 divsd xmm0,mmword ptr [num2]
00251A19 sub esp,8
00251A1C movsd mmword ptr [esp],xmm0
00251A21 push offset string "\xb5\xce \xbc\xf6\xc0\xc7 \xb3\xaa\xb4\xb0\xbc\xc0: %f\n" (0257B9Ch)
00251A26 call _printf (02510DCh)
00251A2B add esp,0Ch
00251A2E xor eax,eax
00251A30 push edx
00251A31 mov ecx,ebp
00251A33 push eax
00251A34 lea edx,ds:[251A60h]
00251A3A call @_RTC_CheckStackVars@8 (02511F4h)
00251A3F pop eax
00251A40 pop edx
00251A41 pop edi
00251A42 pop esi
00251A43 pop ebx
00251A44 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00251A47 xor ecx,ebp
00251A49 call @__security_check_cookie@4 (0251159h)
00251A4E add esp,0E4h
00251A54 cmp ebp,esp
00251A56 call __RTC_CheckEsp (0251258h)
00251A5B mov esp,ebp
00251A5D pop ebp
00251A5E ret
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